Joseph of Cupertino

Saint Joseph of Cupertino, O.F.M. Conv.

Saint Joseph of Cupertino Image from Paul Guerrin, "Les Petites Bollandistes: Vies de Saints," 1882
Born June 17, 1603(1603-06-17)
Copertino, Puglia, Kingdom of Naples
Died September 18, 1663(1663-09-18) (aged 60)
Osimo, Marche, Papal States
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Beatified February 24, 1753, Rome by Pope Benedict XIV
Canonized July 16, 1767, Rome by Pope Clement XIII
Feast September 18
Attributes Levitation, Crucifix, Franciscan habit
Patronage Aviation, astronauts, mental handicaps, test taking, students

Saint Joseph of Cupertino, O.F.M. Conv., (Italian: San Giuseppe da Copertino) (June 17, 1603 – September 18, 1663) was an Italian Franciscan friar who is honored as a mystic and a saint. He was said to have been remarkably unclever, but prone to miraculous levitation and intense ecstatic visions that left him gaping.[1] In turn, he is recognized as the patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicap, test takers, and poor students. He was canonized in 1767.


Early life

Joseph was born Giuseppe Maria Desa in Cupertino, Apulia.[2]

His father, Felice Desa, was a carpenter in the fortified town of Copertino, located in the heel of the boot of Italy, on the Apulian peninsula, within the then-Kingdom of Naples.[2] Known locally as a charitable man, he often guaranteed the debts of his poorer neighbors, often driving himself into debt as a result. Felice died prior to Joseph's birth, leaving his wife Francesca Panara destitute and pregnant with the future saint.

As a child, Joseph was remarkably slow-witted. He suffered from painful ulcers during his childhood, but after a local hermit applied oil from the lamp burning before an image of Our Lady of Grace, Joseph was completely cured of these.[3] He was given the pejorative nickname "the Gaper," due to his habit of staring blankly into space. He was also said to have had a violent temper.


When he was 17, Joseph attempted to join the Friars Minor Conventuals, but his lack of education prevented him from gaining admittance. He was soon after admitted as a Capuchin, but dimissed from the Order shortly thereafter, when his constant fits of ecstasy proved him unsuitable. Eventually, in his early twenties, he was admitted into a Conventual Franciscan friary near Copertino. At first he was assigned to care for the friary mule. Soon he was sent to study Theology, but he had a learning disability, and legend has it that he would study intently one small section of the material he was set to learn, because that was all he was able to do, and pray that the material he studied would be what he was tested on. One time when the friar who was teaching the young candidates administered a test, he happened to ask the one question for which Joseph had prepared.

According to contemporaries, Joseph could barely read or write, but continued to grow in holiness and wisdom, leading a life of poverty and prayer. He was unsuited for scholarship, but could answer intricate questions regarding the faith. He also performed menial tasks around the friary, such as gardening, looking after the animals, cleaning their stalls, and helping in the kitchen. Joseph was also often found wandering in a daze, winding up in different places in the friary unaware of how he got there.

When he was being tested for ordination as a deacon, the bishop at random asked Joseph to expound on the text "Blessed is the womb that bore thee." He did well. Thus he was ordained a deacon. When it was a question of advancing to the priesthood, the first candidates did so well that the remainder of the candidates, Joseph among them, were passed without examination and Joseph was ordained a priest in 1628.

Ecstasies, flights, and other gifts

On October 4, 1630, the town of Cupertino held a procession on the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi. Joseph was assisting in the procession when he suddenly soared into the sky, where he remained hovering over the crowd. When he descended and realized what had happened, he became so embarrassed that he fled to his mother's house and hid. This was the first of many flights, which soon earned him the nickname "The Flying Saint".

Joseph's life changed dramatically after this incident. His flights continued and came with increasing frequency. His superiors, alarmed at his lack of control, forbade him from community exercises, believing he would cause too great a distraction for the friary. For the fact was, Joseph could not contain himself. On hearing the names of Jesus or Mary, the singing of hymns during the feast of St. Francis, or while praying at Mass, he would go into a dazed state and soar into the air, remaining there until a superior commanded him under obedience to revive.

Joseph's most famous flight allegedly occurred during a papal audience before Pope Urban VIII. When he bent down to kiss the Pope's feet, he was suddenly filled with reverence for Christ's Vicar on earth, and was lifted up into the air. Only when the Minister General of the Order, who was part of the audience, ordered him down was Joseph able to return to the floor.

Other miracles

Among other paranormal events associated with Joseph, he is said to have possessed the gift of healing. Legend holds he once cured a girl who was suffering from a severe case of measles. Another story holds that an entire community suffering from a drought asked Joseph to pray for rain, which he did with success.

He also dedicated himself to improving the spiritual lives of his fellow friars.

Consequences of fame

Not all of the friars with whom Joseph lived were well disposed towards him. Some superiors would scold Joseph for not accepting money and gifts offered to him for curing people, especially when they were members of the nobility. He would also find himself in trouble for returning home with a torn habit as a result of the people seeking relics who regarded him as a prophet and a saint.

Perhaps the most difficult time came when Joseph was the subject of an investigation by the Inquisition at Naples. Msgr. Joseph Palamolla accused Joseph of attracting undue attention with his "flights", and claiming to perform miracles. On October 21, 1638, Joseph was summoned to appear before the Inquisition and, when he arrived, he was detained for several weeks. Joseph was eventually released when the judges found no fault with him.

Life in exile

After being cleared by the Inquisition, Joseph was sent to the Sacro Convento in Assisi. Though Joseph was happy to be close to the tomb of St. Francis, he experienced a certain spiritual dryness. His flights came to a halt during this period.

Two years after his arrival at the Sacro Convento, Joseph was made an honorary citizen of Assisi and a full member of the Franciscan community. He lived in Assisi for another nine years. During this period Joseph was sought after by people (including Ministers General, provincial superiors, bishops, cardinals, knights and secular princes) who wanted to experience his divine consolation. He was happy to oblige, but the isolation of exile left him depressed. Believers were able to seek him out, but he was not allowed to preach or hear confessions, or to join in the processions and festivities of feast days.

Over time, Joseph attracted a huge following. To stop this, Pope Innocent X decided to move Joseph from Assisi and place him in a secret location under the jurisdiction of the Capuchin friars in Pietrarubbia. Joseph was placed under strict orders to avoid writing letters, but he continued to attract throngs of people. This soon forced him to be moved to another location, this time to Fossombrone, which had little more success.

The ordeal finally ended when Pope Innocent X died, and the Conventual friars asked the newly elected Pope Alexander VII to release Joseph from his exile and return him to Assisi. Alexander declined, and instead released Joseph to the friary in Osimo, where the Pope's nephew was the local bishop. There, Joseph was ordered to live in seclusion and not speak to anyone except the Bishop, the Vicar General of the Order, his fellow friars, and, in case of a health crisis, a doctor. Joseph endured his ordeal with great patience. Legend states he did not even complain when a brother-cook neglected to bring him any food to his room for two days.

Final days and death

On August 10, 1663, Joseph became ill with a fever, but the experience filled him with joy. When asked to pray for his own healing he said, "No, God forbid!"[4] He experienced ecstasies and flights during his last Mass which was on the Feast of the Assumption.[5] In early September, Joseph could sense that the end was near, so he could be heard mumbling, "The jackass has now begun to climb the mountain!" The 'jackass' was his own body. After receiving the last sacraments, a papal blessing, and reciting the Litany of Our Lady, friar Joseph Desa of Cupertino died on the evening of September 18, 1663.

He was buried two days later in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception before great crowds of people.

Joseph was canonized on July 16, 1767, by Pope Clement XIII. In 1781, a large marble altar in the Church of St. Francis in Osimo was erected so that St. Joseph's body might be placed beneath it; it has remained there ever since.


Because of his many "flights", St. Joseph is the patron saint of those traveling by air, astronauts, and is the patron saint of pilots who fly for the NATO Alliance. He is the patron of paratroopers and those serving in the Air Force. He is also the patron of students taking exams.[6] He is known as a patron saint of students, having struggled with being a poor student himself.

Like the many places he touched in Italy, his name has touched California through a town named after him: Cupertino, California, which is 50 miles south of San Francisco. The area where this city is located today was first named in his honor on March 25, 1776, when Spanish explorers under Captain Juan Bautista de Anza, which a small band of Franciscan friars, camped in the area and named a small river for the Italian friar and saint. The river is today known as Stevens Creek. Ironically enough, the public schools of Cupertino are among the highest ranked academically in the state of California. One grammar school, Faria, is the very highest ranked in the state.

It was naturally fitting that in 1978 the Province of Conventual Franciscans in California adopted him as their patron. St. Joseph of Cupertino Church is the Catholic parish in Cupertino, California. A life-sized bronze statue of St. Joseph in mid-flight was installed in the church prayer garden in 2008.


A film was made about St. Joseph of Cupertino entitled The Reluctant Saint starring actor Maximilian Schell.

St. Joseph of Cupertino's story was made into a children's book called "The Little Friar Who Flew," written by Patricia Lee Gauch, pictures by Tomie de Paola. It was published in 1980 by Peppercorn Publishers (soft cover) and G. P. Putnam's Sons (hard cover), New York. ISBN (hardcover): 0-399-20714-7. ISBN (soft cover, large format): 0-399-20741-4.

A comic book, entitled The Flying Friar, was published by Speakeasy Comics in 2006, written by Rich Johnston, drawn by Thomas Nachlik, and edited by Tom Mauer. It is a fictionalization of the life of St Joseph, influenced heavily by the plotlines and characters of the Smallville TV series - St. Joseph is presented as a Clark Kent allegory, with his best friend turned worst enemy being the fictitious "Lux Luthor," a supposed descendant of Martin Luther.

See also


  1. ^ "Saint Joseph of Copertino," Fr. Angelo Pastrovicchi, O.M.C., TAN Books and Publishers, 1980, p. iii
  2. ^ a b "Saint Joseph Cupertino," p. 1
  3. ^ "Saint Joseph Copertino"
  4. ^ St Joseph Copertino," p. 113
  5. ^ Pastrovicchi, p. 113.
  6. ^ "Franciscan Saints". Conventual Franciscans. Retrieved 2008-11-10. 

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